That's the point

 Digestive Issues & Stress

< Stomach 36 >

This very handy acupressure point is called Stomach 36, also known as ST36 or in Chinese, Zu San Li.

What’s it good for?

As the name “Stomach 36” indicates, this acupressure point is commonly used by acupuncturists to tackle gastrointestinal discomforts.

In Traditional Chinese Medicine, this point has a healing and rejuvenating effect. By gently massaging this point, it could help relieve temporary irritations from: 


Upset Stomach

Help improve symptoms such as nausea or bloating


Digestive Discomfort

Typically from over-eating.



Acupressure ST36

Where is it located?

(Either leg) Place 3 fingers right below the knee cap (fingers pointing outward)

At the bottom of your fingers, measure a thumb’s width away (outward) from the centre bone to locate the point.

Stomach 36 Location

MedicalMediclHow to massage?

Roll on the point to find the sensitive area. Use your thumb to apply pressure and use small circular motion on the point for 5 minutes of until better.

Massage on either leg or both if needed.

*This is an at-home self-care guide for easing temporary body discomfort only. We strongly advise you to speak to a licensed Acupuncturist or Medical health practitioner if you have a condition or symptoms.

That’s The Point!

Dr Robert Navacchi

Dr. Robert Navacchi (B.H.Sc.Acu.)

Registered Acupuncturist & Remedial Massage Therapist

Bodycare Therapy Happy 3D Guy

Your Well-being is Our Mission

Acupuncture | Remedial Massage | Traditional Chinese Medicine

(Mobile) 0433 371 607


38 Todville Street, SEATON, South Australia 5023